Training Humanitarians
saves lives

Competencies and professionalism for humanitarian outcome

Efficiency in protection, security and accountability

Empowering humanitarian

Humanitarian aid work is a true profession – a mission, a passion

Policy Brief - Humanitarian Localization In Bangladesh



empower humanitarians

inSights is committed to strengthening partnerships across sectors, improving humanitarian efficiency and effectiveness, and empowering local actors. Within the rapidly changing global DRR and humanitarian ecosystem, inSights aim to make its footprint by 2025. inSights - Institute of Innovations for Gender and Humanitarian Transformations contributes to strengthening the DRR and humanitarian environment in Bangladesh and in the Region through following ways:

  • Promoting humanitarian professionalism.
  • By collaborating with the government and partners to strengthen disaster management systems.
  • Supporting partners to expand knowledge and skills to embed principled humanitarian response and learning into practice.
toc_img core-function objectives

Strategic Objectives

To generate knowledge and evidence that support a more localised and equitable humanitarian system
To equip local humanitarian actors both people and organisations with professional skills and competencies, procedures and resources.
To identify practical opportunities and solutions that support better bridges between humanitarian and development actions
To support the business sector to integrate disaster risk management, including business continuity, into business models and practises through disaster-risk informed business and investments.


Dhaka CALLING - Dhaka Citizens’ Advocacy Collaboration against polluting environment

Human Rights-based Approach to Humanitarian Action Capacitate local humanitarian workers

The Conflict Perspective Social Conflict Analysis and Social Cohesion Programmatic Tools Development

Touching Adolescents' Life Contextualised Training Module Development on Protection of Children and Adolescents in Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis

Humanitarian Localisation Baseline study on the understanding, adoption, adaptation, and implementation of Localization in Cox's Bazar.

Women’s Leadership in COVID-19 Responses Baseline to track progress and impact of women’s leadership and meaningful participation in COVID-19 responses in Bangladesh

The Formulation of Communication Strategy and Staff Capacity Building Targeting the Promotion of SHED Image among Target Audience


Private Sector Emergency Preparedness Develop SOP for Private Sector Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) and Private Sector Emergency Response Team (PERT)

Joyeeta - the winning women feasibility study and programme development to promote women SME in seven divisional resource centres of Joyeeta Foundation

Capacitate Young Professionals on Gender, DRR and CCA

Basic Capacity Sharing Programme on Humanitarian Essentials and Sphere Standards for national and local NGOs

Basic Capacity Sharing Programme on Humanitarian Essentials, Humanitarian Principles, SPHERE Standards and Resource Management

Gender equality and social inclusion gap analysis of CSISA-MEA

Labor Law Compliances in the Context of Bangladesh NGOs, In Accordance with NGO Bureau and Other Statutory Requirements

Conflict of Interest Policy 2024

Training on Labor Law Compliances in the Context of Bangladesh NGOs, in accordance with NGO Bureau and other Statutory


Innovation For Green Humanitarian Action And Adaptation

Baseline Study on Socio-Economic Empowerment with dignity and sustainability (SEEDS 2024)

The Start Ready Learning Grant


Management Team

Nahid Siddiqui
Niger Rahman
Chief Executive Officer
Suman Ahsanul Islam


Professor Afsan Chowdhury
Adviser, Research, Advocacy, and Communication
Rezwan Siddiqui, Ph.D. (In Memoriam)
Adviser, Media, Publications and Quality Assurance
M. Ehsanur Rahman, Ph.D.
Adviser, Humanitarian
Professor Abu Jamil Faisel
Adviser, Public Health
Sheepa Hafiza
Adviser, Gender Equality & Social Inclusion
Professor Hasan Shafie, Ph.D.
Adviser, Anthropology
Ahmed Abidur Razzaque Khan, Ph.D.
Adviser, Human Rights
Shahana Afrose Chowdhury, Ph.D.
Adviser, Green Economy

Admin & Operations

Sanzida Khan
Head of Administration and Accounts
Mohammed Thouhid Aziz
Assistant Manager - Business Operations & Communication
Tafhimur Rahman
Manager, Business Development and Communication (on study leave)
Samia Khan
Associate, Research Unit

Expert Pool

Saad Mahmood
Expert - Disaster Risk Reduction
Salma Akter
Expert - Human Resource Management





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